Recovering Good Girls Support Group

Join Girlfriends of a Certain Age podcast co-hosts Jessica & Flesché for a supportive and fun journey as we reclaim ALL of ourselves in midlife.

Welcome to "Recovering Good Girls", an online community for women in midlife. Are you tired of feeling like you have to be perfect all the time? Do you struggle to prioritize your own needs and desires? Our community is here to support you on your journey of self-discovery and recovery.

As a member of "Recovering Good Girls", you will have access to a supportive and non-judgmental community of women who understand the challenges of midlife. You will be able to share your struggles and successes, and receive encouragement and advice from others who are on a similar path.

Our community is free to join and offers a variety of resources, including group discussions, personal stories, and expert advice. We also provide a space for you to connect with other women and form meaningful friendships.

If you're ready to start recovering from the pressure of being a "good girl" and start living your best life, join "Recovering Good Girls" today! It's free to join, and we can't wait to have you as a part of our community.

Sign up now and start your journey towards self-discovery and recovery with the support of like-minded women in midlife.


Jessica & Flesché 

Girlfriends of a Certain Age

5 Lessons

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Recovering Good Girl Workbook

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